Hey everyone, here we go. . . . . .
IN OUR WORLD Coming to you from
Down here for a series of meetings and to get some time with my oldest son, Dylan.
So much going on that my head is spinning. I have a major proposal out for a complete organizational restructure and another out to organize and simplify an effort to create a completely new marketing plan. I have new educational offerings in communication and thinking to customize for two clients and a pro-bono project for a
I love the pace, the challenge of getting things done, the changing types of companies and the great people I get to work with!
Never before have we lived in a time where doing nothing can cause so much trouble. Even in sinking markets many organizations believe the “hunker down” strategy is the best call. WRONG! These times require doing. Almost every organization I am honored to be involved with is transforming some aspect of their business. Why? They are trying to get ready for a business world that will be radically different than their reality today. A world where the purchase of any item or product will receive a higher level of scrutiny that in the past. A market that will look first to the relationships it trusts. A business climate where your story, what separates you, how you provide service will become as important as your service or product.
The problem with many is that they are frozen in step with their past. They are “surfing” the market equity they created yesterday. Now this wave may carry them on a good ride, but just like the oceans energy, it will crash on some business shore leaving them without the NEXT ride (hey, as an ex-surfer I work hard to throw these metaphors in!). Many simply don’t know what to do. Don’t be surprised, when you deal only in your environment you often can’t see beyond the walls of what you do. This is the Creative Ventures Law of “DON’T ASK THE FISH ABOUT THE WATER”. So, what should you do? Here is a simple idea:
- Identify one aspect of your business that has direct contact with the customer. If you deal with a ton of walk-in business it can be the receptionist, maybe you are in retail and have floor personnel, maybe it’s your sales force. Pick ONE.
- Draw up an IMPACT LIST. This is a simple list that compiles every opportunity that one customer contact has to further connect your organization to them. Can they ask for their contact information, can they gently up-sell, can they develop a more friendly attitude, is there a chance for them to tell the organizational story?
- Find the areas that you can CHANGE that will increase the REAL impact of the interactions. That will create a relationship with the customer.
This simple task will start you thinking CHANGE. It will allow you to begin to see the incredible opportunity that exists in every customer/client contact. More important, it is a right step in DOING!
MOVIES: I received a lot of email from people wanting to know what I thought of the Academy Awards show. I really liked it. Here are some quick hits:
- I was really impressed with Hugh Jackman – very talented.
- Loved having past winners come out to speak to each nominated actor.
- I was disappointed when presenters (Ben Stiller) thought the session was about them. I love a little comedy and show, but heck, it is really about the winner.
- I did not see MILK, but even though I don’t like Sean Penn, I respect his acting chops. I hoped Mickey Rourke would win.
- Once again my theory of having Nazi’s and a suicide will sway the Academy every time.
- Action movies never get their due. Maybe a Nazi / Suicide action movie would win?
- Slumdog was a worthy winner.
- How in the hell did they leave out Springsteen’s song, The Wrestler?????
- Overall – really liked it!
NetFlix Fans: Devil in a Blue Dress: Great little mystery with Denzel Washington.
TV: Not much new going on as I continue the application of capital TV punishment as American Idol is getting a lot of wife play.
BOOKS: The Words
MUSIC: I’ve been working on some Beatles tunes lately and stumbled upon this fantastic McCartney version of Yesterday from the post 9-11 concert for
WEB SITES: This is one of the web sites I have been using for research on a project that
- In 1968 Alfred Hitchcock gave the shortest acceptance speech in history; “thank you”.
- Slumdog Millionaire is the ultimate little movie that “could”. It originally opened in only 10 theaters and had an opening weekend of only $30,000. It is now in 1700 + theaters and approaching $88 million in gross and still growing. It is bound to get a huge boost from its best picture win.
- Everyone says how heavy little Oscar is. It weighs 8 ½ lbs.
- The Color Purple is the most nominated movie (11) to get shut out.
- To show you the shaft that action movies get from the vaunted Academy, more people have seen The Dark Knight than all five films nominated for best picture – COMBINED!
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far awayPaul McCartney
Drop me a note with your comments at steve@creativeventures.com
Thanks for stopping by and until next time, Adios and Aloha.
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