I am a habitual “thank you” note writer. I take them with me to every project and write them in my hotel room or on the plane home. I spend this time because to me it is a VALUE driven activity. If someone has created a business agreement with me, I want them to know I VALUE this relationship. I often send clients small gifts that I see or that they have mentioned as being interested in. These are usually books or maybe a movie DVD or music CD. I also have a monthly sampler CD that features 15 songs by 15 different audiences that I send out to random clients every month. I do this because movies and music often play a key role in my presentations and because it’s just fun. I don’t do this to create a repeating “thank you” loop. “Hey, thanks for the project.” “Hey, thanks for the book.” “Hey thanks . . . . . . . . .” I do it because it’s important.
That being said, I am amazed at how few times anyone say’s “thanks”, for ANYTHING. You hold the door open for someone, a gentlemanly thing to do, that doesn’t require any sign of gratitude, BUT a simple “thanks” is sure nice. You send out something unexpected to someone and never hear a word. A simple “thanks” would at least let you know that they received the gift.
What a shame. Gratitude is a spectacular thing. It makes you aware that life is still a good journey and that you are damn lucky to get another day on this spinning world. It never takes much, just connect a feeling or thought to an action.
Hey, THANKS for reading my stuff!
Very good points Steve. I know you practice what you preach too. The thank you stationary you have looks great.
Can you recommend a place to buy comment cards?
Not sure what you mean by “comment” cards???? Do you mean blank note cards or specific cards that allow a client to grade your performance?