In the past I used to write a weekly piece called; South of Normal. It contained odd things going on that may have slipped just past your field of attention. Well, I am bringing it back, but this time I am using to write about things outside the field of Creative Ventures. I hope to give you tidbits about movies, music, TV and books. So, let’s get started:
The Fall always seems to bring out some of the best films of the year. We are well past the “blockbuster” summer season and now some of the meaningful movies are hitting the theaters.
Gravity is both beautiful and tells a stunning story of survival. Sandra Bullock is sure to be nominated for an Oscar for her stunning and virtual solo performance. Director Alfonso Cuaron, through the use of technology specifically created for this film, gives us a true sense of the spectacle and loneliness of space. It is a MUST see in 3D.
Captain Philips once again shows us the range and talent of Tom Hanks. His ability to play the “everyman” makes him, along with Daniel Day Lewis, the finest actors of our generation. Once again, even though we know the outcome (based on a true story), we are none the less thrown into the tension by a well crafted story unfolded before us by outstanding performances and crisp directing by Paul Greengrass.
Both of these are MUST SEE films.
Comedian Jerry Seinfeld is fascinated with “web only” ideas. His hilarious run of cross country trips with Superman for American Express were only available on the internet and his latest idea Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is again a web only idea. Jerry picks up a famous comedians (Chris Rock, Mel Brooks, Ricky Gervias) in one of his collector edition cars and they go grab coffee. Along the way and while sipping a cup of joe, they exchange ideas and outlooks on the art of comedy. It is a fantastic exploration into the creative process and on top of that, you will laugh out loud!
Well, welcome back to South of Normal and I hope you enjoy a break from the other stuff.
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