Creative Ventures is part of the Pay If Forward corporate movement where companies pledge to pay a percentage of either net revenues or profits to various charitable causes.
At Creative Ventures each team member is given a share of net revenues to donate to any charity or cause they feel connected to or whose mission speaks to them.
We are pleased to announce this year’s recipients:
THE NOT IMPOSSIBLE FOUNDATION: I had the honor of meeting and working with the charismatic and incredibly fun founder of The Not Impossible Labs, Mick Ebeling this year and was stunned at the phenomenal work Mick and his team does. Taking small amounts of resources and marrying them with imagination and a dogged determination not to fail, Mick and the Not Impossible gang are changing the world, literally! With a three-part mission:
- Technology for the sake of humanity
- Help one, help many
- Help through making things
They are changing the perspective of what can be done – ANYTHING! And nothing, I mean nothing, is impossible!
ST JUDE’S CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL: St Jude’s has been a core charity for Creative Ventures during our 31-year existence. Their work in the prevention and treatment of pediatric catastrophic disease is world renowned. NO child and I mean NO child is ever denied treatment. NO family ever received a bill for their child’s time at St. Jude’s. St Jude’s is in the miracle business.
HEIFER INTERNATIONAL: Their mission is to empower families in the most poverty stricken areas on this planet, through sustainable agriculture and commerce, to find hope and prosperity. Through the idea of not just giving a fish, but teaching them to fish, families receive livestock that provide nourishment for the family and the ability to create small pocket businesses with the surplus provided by the animal. Their work across the planet has changed thousands of lives and given hope, where hope did not exist.
OPERATION SMILE: Every child deserves exceptional surgical care and to be treated like they were your own. That’s what Operation Smile does. They provide hundreds of thousands of surgeries in poverty stricken areas providing children a chance at a normal life where that chance never existed before. Operation Smile is one of the oldest volunteer-based organizations in the world and offers their medical services in over 60 countries.
We are honored to be chosen by our clients to work with them on the core strategies they plan. Our services are unique and fit a very distinct value proposition. We are grateful for the relationships that inspire our thinking and drive us to new ideas and actionable plans.
This is just one of the way’s we say; THANK YOU!
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