We live in a world of magic. Most of it passes by us unnoticed. We are lulled to sleep by its repetitive nature. It happens just below our awareness.re on your way to Starbucks!
We sit in planes waiting to take off. No big deal, heck I do this almost every week, but it is really a magical experience. Take a look outside your window as you barrel down the runway and you will discover the application of Sir Isaac Newton’s principles still in play after 350 years. A precise combination of lift, thrust, gravity, and drag are put into action. Molecules of air are pounding on the fuselage and wings creating the wonder of flight. But to us, it’s so regular people are already taking their airplane snooze.
Turn on the facet at your home and bam, water comes out. It’s expected. It happens literally every time. But to make that happen is another magical experience. Did you know that a gallon of water weighs 8 lbs? The average shower uses +/- 18 gallons of water. That’s 144 lbs. of water that had to be moved from a source to your shower. It had to be pumped, cleaned, boosted and filtered just to give you that nice hot shower! In New Jersey, they have over 9,000 miles of pipe to make that happen. In the Twin Cities in MN they grab their water from the mighty Mississippi. In California, it comes from the Sierra Nevada snowpack. It’s a wonder of modern engineering to give you the water to brush your teeth.
Every morning many of us, without a second thought, get in our car and turn the key fully expecting the engine to start. A modern miracle of internal combustion mechanics. The key sets in motion an electrical current that draws power from your battery. It sends the current to a solenoid, which in turn sets an electromagnet on its mission to complete the circuit and vroom; you’re on your way to Starbucks!
What do these modern day miracles have in common? They all occur behind a magic door of repetitive mystery. Great client experiences share this same element. The client sees something extraordinary, but that DAZZLING interaction had a mountain of processes, elements, and training that all occur behind the magic door.
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is in the level of commitment leaders make to the client experience. For the Dazzling experience to become the norm for a car starting or a hot shower it needs to become a focal strategic imperative. These Dazzling companies open the “magic backdoor” and stare straight at the customer. They envision what would create, in that client, a level of commitment to our product or our service. They create a sense of loyalty, a quickness to comment to others that they made the right choice. They build the experience to that desired outcome. They involve teams in the development of the pieces of their Dazzling client experience. They garner promises of delivery from their employees and hold them accountable to their agreed upon outcome.
These ideas, perspectives, and commitments create something different in the market. It develops separation from the idea that what they do or make is simply a commodity available anywhere from anyone.
When you turn on your companies water tap, when you put the key in your organization’s ignition, is the result a guarantee for your client? Is it a magical experience driven by consistent delivery? IT SHOULD BE and we can help you create a truly DAZZLING BLUE experience, EVERY TIME.
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